What is International No Diet Day?

International No Diet Day on May 6 each year is an opportunity to reflect on the harm that’s caused by diets, diet culture, and fat phobia such as:

  • Creating a hierarchy amongst different body shapes, sizes, and weights

  • Discriminating against and dehumanising people in larger bodies

  • Triggering and perpetuating eating disorders

It's also a helpful time to reflect on:

  • Your own body privilege

  • The harm language can cause, such as using categories from the BMI scale

  • Who you follow on social media - clear out accounts that promote diet culture

There are resources to educate yourself further. I recommend starting with ASDAH and reading about the history and principles of HAES ©.

To do something kind for yourself today, enjoy this 10-minute gentle self-compassion practice.

Let me know in the comments below if you’ve done the practice.

Natalie Haider

Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and Psychologist


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